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Managing your subscriptionUpdated 2 years ago

Managing your subscription

Once you've set up your subscription, you're all sorted! However if you change your mind, aren't ready for your next order, are going to be away, or want to swap your product, you can manage your subscription yourself at any time by logging in to the customer portal. You’ll also get a reminder email a few days before every order processes. 

To login to the customer portal, go to the login button (located top right corner of our website, or here). Once logged in, choose 'manage subscription'. If you're having trouble logging in or you're getting a message that you don't have an account associated with your email address, please see our troubleshooting article here.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Log in to your subscription, and click the 'subscriptions' tab. Click the 'manage your subscription' button. Scroll down and the 'cancel' button is situated at the very bottom left. 

You will need to cancel each product separately.

If you change your mind you can recommence at any time by logging back in, clicking the 'subscriptions' tab and then clicking 'reactivate my subscription'. 

How do I permanently delete my subscription?

Please contact us via the Helpdesk if you would like your subscription account to be permanently deleted and we'll be happy to action that for you.

How do I skip a subscription order?

Log in to your subscription, and click the 'delivery schedule' tab. Here you'll see an option to either 'skip shipment' or 'manage your subscription'. Choose 'manage your subscription' if you want to change the date of your next order. Otherwise choose 'skip shipment' to completely skip your next delivery. 

You will need to adjust the date for each product separately.

How do I add or change a product?

Log in to your subscription, and click the 'subscriptions' tab. Click the 'manage your subscription' button, and then click on 'product'. From there, you can change the quantity or type of product. 

You will need to make adjustments for each product separately.

How do I change the interval of my subscription?

Log in to your subscription, and click the 'subscriptions' tab. Choose 'manage your subscription', and from there, click on 'delivery schedule' to change the delivery interval.

You will need to make adjustments for each product separately.

I need to change my delivery address!

Log in to your subscription, and click the 'shipping addresses' tab. Click the drop down arrow and from there you can edit your delivery address. Please note editing your shipping address only affects upcoming or unprocessed orders. If your order has already processed and your old address was still in your subscription account at that time, please contact us via the Helpdesk. 

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